Saturday, August 30, 2008

All About Home Movie Theatre

A home movie theatre is a simple combination of television, DVD player or video player and a good set of speakers and amplifiers. But home movie theatre can have more accessories other than these simple things. Thus it can be an integration of a relatively high quality video output with surround sound thereby providing you with the ultimate in home entertainment.

It is instructive to note down the different components of a home movie theatre. Normally, home movie theatre is an assemby of video output or a display unit, music system with amplifiers, and processing devices like AV reciever or preamplifiers.A home movie theatre has several speakers, usually a six speaker system, which is placed around the room. This is very much unlike a TV system which has an inbuilt speaker system. The home theatre divides the soundtrack into multiple channels and sends different sounds to different speakers. This, in general, follows the concept of surround sound technology, which is found in the movie theatre. Thus the sound effects feel so real.

While installing the home movie theatre, your room can be treated as the basic and one of the most important components. If the person does not have a perfect room for a home theatre he can make some simple changes to make it ideal. While choosing the room one must keep it in mind that four walls should enclose the room. An enclosed room limits the area that has to be filled with sound, so the listener gets a more powerful effect from the system.

The shape of the room also holds an important place in the home movie theatre, as the shape of the room will influence how the sound will circulate around the room. Thus the most ideal shape is a rectangular one. Wall to wall carpeting is ideal, but a large rug over the floor or a carpeted floor is good enough to serve the purpose. Very little light or even complete darkness is what you need in order to get a vibrant picture.

The general components comprise of centre channels and subwoofers, blue ray players, DVD recorder, projectors, LCD or plasma TV. Placement of speakers for a home movie theatre is significant to get accurate sound reproduction. Speakers should be heard and not seen. The center channel and sub-woofer are the most difficult to place. The shape of the room mostly affects the sub woofers. The size of the sub woofers depends on the size of the room. And if the user wants to install multiple sub woofers the challenge becomes more difficult. The centre channel should be hidden behind a screen.

Screen quality has a direct and marked effect upon the resultant picture quality of the home movie theatre. Thus choosing the screen depends on the lighting, size and other attributes of the room. Each screen material has its own specific attributes in respect of gain, reflection and color shift. There are various manufacturers who make projectors for home movie theatre. There are CRT projectors, LCD projectors, DLP projectors and even light canons.

It all depends on the user how much he will spend on a home movie theatre as all these components of the home movie theatre come in different price ranges. The higher priced equipment is always better, but one should keep in mind that he must buy a system according to his room and budget as well.

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